Scripture Verse

…these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. Matthew 25:46


Words: Hi­ram T. Fish­er, 1907. Ap­peared in World-Wide Re­vi­val Hymns, ed­it­ed by W. El­mer Bai­ley (Find­lay, Ohio: W. El­mer Ba­iley, 1914), nu­mber 45.

Music: Cre­mo­na M. M. Sny­der, 1914 (🔊 pdf nwc).


The 3 Roads to Eternity
Georgin François, 1825

Eternity! Eter­ni­ty!
When day and night shall cease to be,
And time is swal­lowed up in thee,
How long, how long, eter­ni­ty!


Eternity! Eter­ni­ty!
Dread day of death and doom to be;
Thy warn­ing words my soul would flee—
Prepare to meet eter­ni­ty!

Eternity! Eter­ni­ty!
The judg­ment shall thy wit­ness be,
When God shall fix the just de­cree
To stand thro’ all eter­ni­ty.


Eternity! Eter­ni­ty!
When saved or lost my soul shall be;
Lord, help me now my guilt to flee,
And help me for eter­ni­ty.


Eternity! Eter­ni­ty!
Thy ter­rors turn to vic­to­ry,
For Christ from sin hath set me free,
And saves for all eter­ni­ty.

Eternity! Eter­ni­ty!
Thro’ Christ I find the vic­to­ry;
He saves me now and sets me free,
Praise Him for all eter­ni­ty!