Scripture Verse

The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. Ephesians 3:19


Elisha A. Hoffman (1839–1929)

Words: Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, Spi­ri­tu­al Songs (Cleve­land, Ohio: Sam­uel Bar­ker, 1878), pag­es 72–73.

Music: Boise Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, 1878 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O love sur­pass­ing know­ledge!
O grace so full and free!
I know that Je­sus saves me,
And that’s enough for me!
And that’s enough for me!
And that’s enough for me!
I know that Je­sus saves me,
And that’s enough for me!

O won­der­ful sal­va­tion!
From sin He makes me free!
I feel the sweet as­sur­ance,
And that’s enough for me!
And that’s enough for me!
And that’s enough for me!
I feel the sweet as­sur­ance,
And that’s enough for me!

O blood of Christ so pre­cious,
Poured out on Cal­va­ry!
I feel its cleans­ing pow­er,
And that’s enough for me!
And that’s enough for me!
And that’s enough for me!
I feel its cleans­ing pow­er,
And that’s enough for me!