Scripture Verse

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1


Words: Jo­shua F. Drake, 2003 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Ho­no­ro Pa­tris Jo­shua F. Drake, 2003 (pub­lic do­main) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joshua F. Drake (1979–)


Eternal God, mov­er un­moved,
Your fright­ful pow­er was great­ly proved
When you made all from naught.
You formed man in your im­age bright.
You spared our par­ents no de­light
And all your world was good and right
While your just will man sought.

A foe more an­cient than the earth,
Who reached for your high place of worth,
Then launched his fa­tal plan.
And though your law was on­ly one,
Eve took and ate, and hav­ing done,
Bade Ad­am eat, and in that one
All died, and so fell man.

Our foe was pleased, but could not tell
Your plan of grace for man who fell,
Nor mea­sure your de­sign.
For so to point to fu­ture grace,
You set apart a ho­ly race
Through faith in what would soon take place,
Though veiled with law and sign.

You willed for slaugh­tered lambs to show
The way in which your Lamb would go
When ran­som­ing his own.
For though in one man, man­kind fell,
This se­cond Ad­am con­quered Hell,
And rising, con­quered death as well,
Then re­as­sumed His throne.

Thus while your child­ren war below
With flesh and with our an­cient foe,
Our vic­to­ry is sure.
For you will come with trump and light,
And end what’s left of Sa­tan’s might,
And take us home for your de­light,
Eternally secure.