Scripture Verse

The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19


Hervey D. Ganse (1822–1891)

Words: Her­vey D. Ganse, Hymns and Songs of Praise (New York: 1874).

Music: Ware­ham Will­iam Knapp, 1738 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Knapp (1698–1768)


Eternal Fa­ther, when to Thee,
Beyond all worlds, by faith I soar,
Before Thy bound­less ma­jes­ty
I stand in si­lence, and adore.

But Sav­ior, Thou art by my side;
Thy voice I hear, Thy face I see:
Thou art my friend, my dai­ly guide;
God ov­er all, yet God with me.

And Thou, great Spir­it, in my heart,
Dost make Thy tem­ple day by day;
The Ho­ly Ghost of God Thou art,
Yet dwell­est in this house of clay.

Blest Tri­ni­ty, in whom alone
All things cre­at­ed move or rest,
High in the hea­vens Thou hast Thy throne;
Thou hast Thy throne with­in my breast.