Scripture Verse

Jesus reached out…and caught him. Matthew 14:31


Julian K. Smyth (1856–1921)

Words: Clif­ford Smyth, in the Mag­ni­fi­cat (New York: New Church Press, 1910).

Music: Ju­li­an K. Smyth (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Clif­ford Smyth (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Ju­li­an Smyth,


Dear Sav­ior, stretch Thy lov­ing arms
Above the stor­my sea,
Where, tossed ’mid dark and ang­ry waves,
The ma­rin­er calls to Thee.
Upon that fierce and ang­ry main
My poor weak bark doth ride,
O what am I ’mid such strong foes
Without Thee by my side?

O as Thou didst on Ga­li­lee
The wa­ters calm at will,
When tor­rents raised by ev­il breath
The sink­ing ship did fill:
So now in my storm shak­en soul
Awake with strength di­vine,
And whis­per peace to war­ring winds,
And let Thy glo­ry shine.

Be Thou my pi­lot through the mists
And storms that dark­ly rise,
As o’er life’s vast and dan­ger­ous sea
My frail bark light­ly flies.
With Thee my soul se­cure­ly rests
From ev­il’s blight re­stored;
And isles of green and frag­rant seas
Bring peace and sweet re­ward.