Scripture Verse

[He] took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:7


Eduardo di Capua (1865–1917)

Words: Will­iam E. Booth-Clib­born, 1921.

Music: Ar­ranged from O So­le Mio, by Ed­uar­do di Ca­pua, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William E. Booth-Clibborn (1893–1969)


Down from His glo­ry,
Ever liv­ing sto­ry,
My God and Sav­ior came,
And Je­sus was His name.
Born in a man­ger,
To His own a stran­ger,
A man of sor­rows,
Tears and ago­ny.


O how I love Him!
How I ad­ore Him!
My breath, my sun­shine,
My all in all.
The great Cre­at­or
Became my Sav­ior,
And all God’s full­ness
Dwelleth in Him.

What con­des­cen­sion,
Bringing us re­demp­tion;
That in the dead of night,
Not one faint hope in sight,
God, gra­cious, ten­der,
Laid aside His splen­dor,
Stooping to woo, to win,
To save my soul.


Without re­luct­ance,
Flesh and blood His sub­stance,
He took the form of man,
Revealed the hid­den plan,
O glo­ri­ous mys­te­ry
Sacrifice of Cal­v’ry,
And now I know Thou art
The great I Am.
