Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Words: Tho­mas Gal­lau­det, in Chants, Ca­rols and Tunes: A Sup­ple­ment to the Sun­day School Ser­vice and Tune Book, com­piled by John C. Hol­li­ster (New York: E. P. Dut­ton, 1865), page 19, alt.

Music: Com­pos­er un­known (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Gallaudet (1822–1902)


The Sav­ior of this sin­ful world
Was born to­day;
In Beth­le­hem God’s on­ly Son,
An in­fant lay.
The an­gel choirs sang songs of praise
To ush­er in this Day of days.

The virg­in Mary swathed her boy
With ten­der care,
And placed Him in the man­ger low,
To slum­ber there.
While an­gel choirs sang songs of praise
To ush­er in this Day of days.

The mid­night watch­ers with their flocks
Great glo­ry saw,
And trem­bling at the won­drous scene,
Bowed down with awe,
While an­gel choirs sang songs of praise
To ush­er in this Day of days.

The shep­herds quick­ly went their way,
And found the Child;
What won­der did their sto­ry cause
The mo­ther mild,
As th’an­gels rose to Heav’n with praise
To ce­le­brate this Day of days.

Since then long years have rolled away,
And round the earth
Has oft been sung by my­ri­ad tongues
This glo­ri­ous birth.
Come, Chris­tians all, and swell the praise
That ush­ers in the Day of days.