Scripture Verse

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24


Words: Wil­hel­mi­na L. Roop­er, Hymns for Ele­men­ta­ry Schools (Lon­don: Grif­fith, Far­ran, Oke­den & Welsh: 1889), num­ber 42.

Music: Dare to Be Brave Dun­can C. M. Hume (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Roop­er or Hume (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Dare to be brave, dare to be true;
Strive for the right, for the Lord is with you;
Fight with sin brave­ly, fight and be strong;
Christ is your cap­tain; fear on­ly what’s wrong.


Fight then, good sol­diers, fight and be brave;
Christ is your cap­tain, migh­ty to save.

Dare to be brave, dare to be true,
Hearken to con­science, ’tis God’s voice in you;
Though com­rades de­ride and leave you for­lorn,
Stand like the he­ro, un­shak­en by scorn.


Dare to be brave, dare to be true;
God is your Fa­ther: He watch­es o’er you;
He knows your tri­als; when your heart quails,
Call Him to res­cue, His grace nev­er fails.


Dare to be brave, dare to be true,
Shun all dis­hon­or, no mean act­ion do;
Bear pain if it comes, with firm­ness en­dure,
Hold to your hon­or, keep your heart pure.


Dare to be brave, dare to be true;
Keep the straight way of du­ty ev­er in view;
Do all your work as well as you can,
Work for the Lord, not on­ly for man.


Dare to be brave, dare to be true;
God grant you cour­age to car­ry you through;
Try to help oth­ers, ev­er be kind;
Let the op­pressed a strong friend in you find.


Dare to be brave, dare to be true,
Think of the home that’s wait­ing for you;
Home where the faith­ful whose bat­tles are o’er
Rest in the Lord in joy ev­er­more.
