Scripture Verse

Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Psalm 85:6


Words: John A. Dalles, 1992.

Music: St. George’s Wind­sor George J. El­vey, 1858 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George J. Elvey (1816–1893)
National Portrait Gallery


Origin of the Hymn

Change Your Church, O God, to Be was writ­ten in Pitts­burgh [Penn­syl­van­ia] in 1992, based on the thought from the mot­to of the Pres­by­ter­ian Church (USA): The La­tin slo­gan, Ec­cle­sia re­for­ma­ta, sem­per re­for­man­da (The church re­formed and al­ways to be re­formed).

It was used in a re­new­al wor­ship ser­vice at the Fox Cha­pel Pres­by­ter­ian Church, Pitts­burgh… (which I served for a de­cade as as­so­ci­ate pas­tor) for the first time in 1992.

John Dalles


Change your church, O God to be
More the church you long to see,
More the peo­ple you have claimed,
More the child­ren you have named!
Change your Church! Re­new us, Lord,
Till we all re­flect your Word!
Make of us a shin­ing light
Ever pleas­ing in your sight!

God, re­vive us by your love;
Send your Spir­it to re­prove!
Take away sin’s aw­ful blight,
Help us all to do the right!
Cultivate us, God, so we,
Grafted to your vine, may be,
Thriving best, with­in your care,
Blossoming, your love to share.

God, re­view our ur­gent schemes!
Guide our vi­sion, mold our dreams!
As we, to­ward your fu­ture move,
All our be­ing, God, im­prove!
May we, by Christ’s love, be warmed!
Bless your church, by faith re­formed;
Hastened by your Spir­it’s pace:
God re­new us by your grace.