Scripture Verse

I have chosen you out of the world; therefore the world hates you. John 15:19


Claude W. Foss (1855–1935)

Words: An­ders C. Rut­ström (1721–1772) (Lam­mets folk och Si­ons frän­der). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to En­glish by Claude W. Foss (1855–1935).

Music: Lam­mets Folk in Si­ons Nya Sång­er, 1854, at­trib­ut­ed to An­ders Rut­ström (1721–1772) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pic­ture of Rut­ström,

Anders C. Rutström (1721–1772)


Chosen seed and Zi­on’s child­ren,
Ransomed from eter­nal wrath,
Traveling to the heav’n­ly Ca­naan
On a rough and thor­ny path;
Church of God, in Christ elect­ed,
Thou to God art re­con­ciled,
But on earth thou art a stran­ger,
Persecuted and re­viled.

Still re­joice amid thy tri­als,
Nor re­gard thy lot amiss;
For the kind and lov­ing Sav­ior
Is the source of all thy bliss;
May He ever be thy por­tion,
He who gave thee life and breath:
In His keep­ing fear no ev­il
Now or in the hour of death.

Pleasantly thy lines have fall­en
Underneath the tree of life:
For the Lord is thy sal­va­tion,
And thy shield in all thy strife:
Here the tim­id bird finds shel­ter,
Here the swal­low finds a nest;
Trembling fu­gi­tive a re­fuge,
And the wea­ry pil­grim rest.

Faith and love are the con­di­tions;
All on faith and love de­pends;
Love of law is the ful­fill­ment,
Faith God’s mer­cy ap­pre­hends;
Who hath faith shall see sal­va­tion,
Who hath love shall life ob­tain.
May, O Lord, Thy love pos­sess us,
And Thy Spi­rit in us reign.

And upon this blest foun­da­tion,
Lord, our Lord and Sav­ior King,
May Thy Spi­rit e’er unite us,
To it may we ever cling.
May we mem­bers of one bo­dy,
Grow into a per­fect whole;
Grant, O Lord, that in Thy peo­ple,
There may be one heart and soul.