Scripture Verse

Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Richard De Courcy (1743–1803)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: From the Col­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns, by Ri­chard De Cour­cy (1743–1803).

Music: Kyr­ie Wolf­gang A. Moz­art (1756–1791) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Wolfgang Mozart (1756–1791)


Come ye wea­ry souls op­pressed,
Find in Christ the pro­mised rest;
On Him all your bur­dens roll,
He can wound, and He make whole.

Ye that dread the wrath of God,
Come and wash in Je­su’s blood;
To the Son of Da­vid cry,
In His word He’s pass­ing by.

Naked, guil­ty, poor, and blind,
All your wants in Je­sus find;
This the day of mer­cy is,
Now ac­cept the prof­fered bliss.

Debtors, who have naught to pay,
Come to Je­sus, haste away;
All your sins on Him were laid,
All your debts the Sure­ty paid.

It is fin­ished! lo! He cries,
Ere on yon­der cross He dies;
O be­lieve the re­cord true,
Jesus died for such as you.