Scripture Verse

The Lord has risen. Luke 24:34


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Car­ols New and Car­ols Old, by Charles L. Hutch­ins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Par­ish Choir, 1916), num­ber 166.

Music: Ron­dô­nia Bow­ness Briggs (1858–1905) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Briggs (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Come, ye, lift your joy­ous voic­es,
Raise your East­er an­them high;
Now once more the Church re­joic­es—
Triumphs in Christ’s vic­to­ry.
He is slain, the Vic­tim ho­ly,
He is ris­en, migh­ty Priest;
So be­fore Him, bend­ing low­ly,
Let us keep His glo­ri­ous feast.

Christ is ris­en! Now no long­er
Hades holds the Lord of life;
Death is strong, but Christ is strong­er,
He hath con­quered in the strife.
Once for us He crossed the ri­ver,
Now for aye He lives and reigns,
Of eter­nal life the Giv­er
Sees the fruits of all His pains.

That new life with us spring­ing
Die we daily un­to sin;
Every id­ol bold­ly fling­ing
From the throne of Christ with­in.
Christ is ris­en! He in dy­ing,
Rent apart the temple veil;
By His ris­ing proof sup­ply­ing
That His pow­er can ne­ver fail.

Though in Ad­am ev­ery mor­tal
Dies at the ap­point­ed hour,
Yet is Ha­des’ gloomy por­tal
Conquered by the Sav­ior’s pow­er.
Glory, glo­ry, ne­ver ceas­ing,
Unto Fa­ther, Spir­it, Son!
Praise and bless­ing, still in­creas­ing,
To our God, the Three in One.