Scripture Verse

When they reached the Valley of Eschol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs. Numbers 13:23


Words & Mu­sic: Hal­dor Lil­le­nas, 1917 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Haldor Lillenas (1885–1959)


Why wan­der in the wild­er­ness, O faint­ing soul?
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land;
By faith cross ov­er Jor­dan tho’ the waves may roll,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land.


Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land,
Come ov­er in­to Canaan land;
Where the grapes of Es­chol grow,
Where the milk and ho­ney flow,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land.

Its sun-kissed mount­ains rise above the val­ley fair,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land;
And lus­cious fruits de­lect­able grow ev­ery­where,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land.


Sweet songs of tri­umph ring with­in its bor­ders bright,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land;
No burn­ing sands, but fount­ains spark­ling with de­light,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land.


This charm­ing land of Canaan is a land of love,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land;
And thro’ it we must pass to reach our home above,
Come ov­er in­to Ca­naan land.


The Grapes of Canaan
James J. Tissot, circa 1900