Then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
Mark 13:26
Words: Ray Palmer, in Union Hymns, edited by Rufus Babcock (Boston, Massachusetts: Perkins & Marvin, 1834), pages 200–01.
Music: Chiesa Theodore E. Perkins, in The Christian Hymnal (Cincinnati, Ohio: Chase & Hall, 1875), number 731 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Come, O Thou mighty Savior,
We look for Thine appearing;
Descend, we pray, Thy love display,
Our waiting spirits cheering.
Come, clothed with glorious power;
Let all thy saints adore Thee,
And let Thy Word, the Spirit’s sword,
Subdue Thy foes before Thee.
May every heart with gladness
Thine offered grace receiving,
Now cease from sin, and, pure within,
Have peace, in Thee believing.
Then when Thou com’st to judgment,
On flying clouds descending,
May we rejoice when, at Thy voice,
The solid earth is rending.