Scripture Verse

Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Words: Mrs. Ed­ward An­der­son, in The Wells of Sal­va­tion, by John Swe­ney & Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1881), num­ber 12.

Music: John R. Swe­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know An­der­son’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John Sweney (1837–1899)


Come, oh, come with me where love is beam­ing,
Come, oh, come with me where light is stream­ing,
Light and love di­vine, in Christ re­veal­ing,
God Him­self to you and me.


Hallelujah, hal­le­lujah; I love Thee, my Sav­ior;
Hallelujah, hal­le­lujah; I trust but in Thee;
Hallelujah, hal­le­lujah; I love Thee, my Sav­ior;
Hallelujah, hal­le­lujah; I trust but in Thee.

Come with all your sins, al­though a mount­ain,
Come un­to the cross, from whence a fount­ain
Flows, di­vine­ly clear, to heal the na­tions;
Come and wash, and make you clean.


None can be too vile for love so beam­ing,
None can be too dark for light so stream­ing,
Christ will make you whole, thro’ faith re­veal­ing
Full sal­va­tion un­to you.


Come and let us kneel where Je­sus meets us,
Let us ev­er stay where Christ re­ceives us,
Safe with­in the fold no harm can reach us;
Hasten, hast­en to the fold.


Come, oh, come with me where love is beam­ing;
Come, oh, come with me where floods are stream­ing
From His woun­ded side, our souls re­deem­ing;
Sing with me re­deem­ing love!
