Scripture Verse

Come unto Me. Matthew 11:28


Words: George B. Peck, 1864.

Music: Weis­sing­er Hu­bert P. Main (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Peck (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


Come, come to Je­sus!
He waits to wel­come thee
O wan­d’rer, ea­ger­ly;
Come, come to Je­sus!

Come, come to Je­sus!
He waits to ran­som thee
O slave! so will­ing­ly;
Come, come to Je­sus!

Come, come to Je­sus!
He waits to light­en thee
O bur­dened! trust­ing­ly
Come, come to Je­sus!

Come, come to Je­sus!
He waits to give to thee
O blind! a vi­sion free;
Come, come to Je­sus!

Come, come to Je­sus!
He waits to shel­ter thee
O wea­ry! bless­ed­ly
Come, come to Je­sus!

Come, come to Je­sus!
He waits to car­ry thee
O lamb! so lov­ing­ly,
Come, come to Je­sus!