Scripture Verse

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19


Words: Ruth Gil­bert, in Har­vest Hymns, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert H. Cole­man (Dal­las, Tex­as: Ro­bert H. Co­leman, 1924), num­ber 93, alt.

Music: Whid­bey Is­land Bay­lus B. Mc­Kin­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gil­bert (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Baylus B. McKinney (1886–1952)


Christ Je­sus has com­mand­ed us
To go to all the world;
To win the lost ones back to Him,
And teach them of His Word;
As mes­sen­gers for Him we go
With this great task our aim,
That peo­ple of all na­tions might
Give hon­or to His name.


Co-laborers, co-la­bor­ers,
As one we all agree,
To win and teach this world for Christ,
Our mis­sion here shall be.

For each lost soul in all this world
Is pre­cious in His sight;
Then may we win and teach
Them in the bless­èd way of right.
Co-laborers for Him we go
In what­e’er field or land,
That we may do our Fa­ther’s will
And car­ry out His plan.


His migh­ty pow’r is ov­er us,
He leads us all the way;
His pre­sence we as­sur­ance have
While toil­ing day by day.
Upon the con­qu’r­ing side are we
In this most glo­ri­ous task,
And when our work on earth is done
We’ll see His face at last.
