Scripture Verse

If children, then…heirs of God. Romans 8:17


John Cennick (1718–1755)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: John Cen­nick, Sac­red Hymns for the Child­ren of God 1742. This hymn is sung at the be­gin­ning and end of the 1942 Aca­de­my Award win­ning mo­vie Mrs. Min­iv­er.

Music: Pley­el’s Hymn Ig­naz J. Pley­el, 1791 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Ignaz J. Pleyel (1757–1831)


Children of the heav­en­ly King,
As ye jour­ney, sweet­ly sing;
Sing your Sav­ior’s wor­thy praise,
Glorious in His works and ways

We are tra­vel­ing home to God,
In the way the fa­thers trod;
They are hap­py now, and we
Soon their hap­pi­ness shall see.

Glory be to Je­sus’ name,
Glory be to Christ the Lamb;
Through Thy blood were we re­deemed,
When we just­ly were con­demned.

O, ye ban­ished seed, be glad!
Christ our ad­vo­cate is made;
Us to save, our flesh as­sumes—
Brother to our souls be­comes.

Shout, ye lit­tle flock, and blest,
You on Je­sus’ throne shall rest:
There your seat is now pre­pared—
There your king­dom and re­ward.

Lift your eyes, ye sons of light,
Zion’s ci­ty is in sight:
There our end­less home shall be,
There our Lord we soon shall see.

Fear not, breth­ren; joy­ful stand
On the bor­ders of your land;
Jesus Christ, your Fa­ther’s Son,
Bids you un­dis­mayed go on.

Lord, obe­di­ent we would go,
Gladly leav­ing all be­low;
Only Thou our lead­er be;
And we still will fol­low Thee.

For Thee all things we for­sake,
We in bet­ter would par­take;
We to great­er bless­ings soar,
Unto joys for ev­er­more.

Thither, Lord, us quick­ly bring,
There we with Thy host will sing;
Safely ha­vened once in bliss,
We will praise Thy right­eous­ness.

Daily us pre­pare and fit,
On Thy ho­ly throne to sit!
More and more adorn Thy seed,
Meet to tri­umph with our head.

Seal our love, our la­bors end,
Let us to Thy bliss as­cend;
Let us to Thy king­dom come;
Lord, we long to be at home.