Scripture Verse

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


James M. Black (1856–1938)

Words: Liz­zie Ak­ers, in The Gos­pel Chor­us, ed­it­ed by James Black (New York: Ea­ton & Mains, 1902), num­ber 2.

Music: James M. Black (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lizzie Akers (1866–1953)


Weary bur­dened wand’rer,
There is rest for thee,
At the feet of Je­sus,
In His love so free;
Listen to His mes­sage,
Words for­ev­er blest,
Oh, thou hea­vy la­den,
Come to Me and rest.


Come, oh come to Me,
Come, oh come to Me,
Jesus now is wait­ing, call­ing
Come, oh come to Me.

Bring Him all thy bur­dens,
All thy guilt and sin,
Mercy’s door is op­en,
Rise and en­ter in.
Jesus there is wait­ing,
Patiently for thee,
Hear Him gen­tly call­ing,
Come, oh, come to Me.


Linger then no long­er,
Come just now to Him;
Ere the sha­dows ga­ther,
And thy light grows dim.
Thou hast long been wait­ing
For some bet­ter time,
But today He’s call­ing,
Come and claim Him thine.


He will bid thee wel­come,
At the bless­èd cross,
Turn to joy thy mourn­ing,
Turn to gold thy dross.
He will lead thee gent­ly,
All along the way,
In the path that shin­eth,
Unto per­fect day.
