Scripture Verse

In the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge. Psalm 57:1


Josephus Anderson (1830–1913)

Words: Jo­se­phus An­der­son, 1897.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of An­der­son,

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


Close, close to Thy cross, O Christ!
My guil­ty soul would fly;
Thy flow­ing blood can wash me white
From sins of crim­son dye!


Close to Thy cross, close to Thy cross,
Jesus, my Lord, I cling;
Shelter me there, shel­ter me there,
’Neath Thy pro­tect­ing wing.

Close, close to Thy cross, O Christ!
My bur­dened soul would go;
There’s sweet re­lief in Thy warm love
For ev­ery grief I know!


Close, close to Thy cross, O Christ!
My tempt­ed soul would stand;
No foe can harm, no work o’er­task,
While un­der Thy kind hand!


Close, close to Thy cross, O Christ!
My wea­ry soul would rest;
No wrath, no fear, no sha­dows there
Disturb my qui­et breast!
