Scripture Verse

From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise. Matthew 21:16


Mary M. Dodge (1831–1905)

Words: Ma­ry M. Dodge, in Ba­by Days: A Se­lect­ion of Songs, Stor­ies, and Pic­tures, for Ve­ry Lit­tle Folks, 1877.

Music: Thanks­giv­ing (Bass­ford) Will­iam K. Bass­ford, cir­ca 1886 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Bass­ford,

William K. Bassford (1839–1902)


Can a lit­tle child like me
Thank the Fa­ther fit­ting­ly?
Yes, oh yes! be good and true,
Faithful, kind, in all you do;
Love the Lord, and do your part;
Learn to say with all your heart,


Father, we thank Thee,
Father, we thank Thee,
Father in Hea­ven, we thank Thee.

For the fruit up­on the tree
For the birds that sing of Thee,
For the earth in beau­ty dressed,
Father, mo­ther, and the rest,
For Thy pre­cious, lov­ing care,
For Thy boun­ty ev­ery­where,


For the sun­shine warm and bright,
For the day and for the night,
For the les­sons of our youth—
Honor, gra­ti­tude and truth,
For the love that met us here,
For the home and for the cheer,


For our com­rades and our plays,
And our hap­py ho­li­days,
For the joy­ful work and true
That a lit­tle child might do,
For our lives but just be­gun,
For the great gift of Thy Son,
