Scripture Verse

My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden…from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Luke 1:46-48


Harriet Kimball (1834–1917)

Words: Har­ri­et M. Kim­ball, The Bless­ed Com­pa­ny of All Faith­ful Peo­ple (New York: An­son D. F. Ran­dolph, 1879), pag­es 35–37.

Music: Ca­lon Lân John Hughes (1872–1914) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

John Hughes (1872–1914)


Christ is born of bless­èd Ma­ry!
Sing the won­drous life be­gun!
Man di­vine and God in­car­nate!
Israel, lo! thy Ho­ly One!
Now ful­filled the pro­phet’s vi­sion;
See the Child, the Lord of all,
Stripped, in­deed, of heav’n­ly splen­dor,
Choosing for His couch a stall.

Thou, O Is­ra­el’s God and Sav­ior,
Verily Thy­self dost hide;
Clad in flesh, dis­guised in weak­ness,
All Thou hast by earth sup­plied.
Very God from ev­er­last­ing
As a help­less babe re­vealed,
Mary’s breast Thy tran­sient pil­low,
Mary’s arms Thy on­ly shield!

Wonderful, the seer pro­claimed Thee,
Mighty God, and Prince of Peace,
King whose ev­er­last­ing king­dom
Shall for­ev­er­more in­crease!
Yet no roy­al sign or ti­tle
Could Thy bound­less grace de­clare
Like that name of end­less sweet­ness
Thou for us alone dost bear.

Jesus!—Sav­ior of His peo­ple!
Jesus!—Shep­herd of His flock!
Well of life, and hid­den man­na;
Wayside strength, and tow­er of rock!
Jesus, see Thy Church ador­ing
Prostrate at Thine in­fant feet,
Her Re­deem­er’s praise out­pour­ing
In that name of names most sweet!