Scripture Verse

This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4


Words & Mu­sic: Fred­er­ick L. Rowe, 1910 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frederick Rowe (1866–1947)


Arouse, ye Chris­tians, stand unit­ed
In this ho­ly war­fare,
With shoul­der touch­ing shoul­der, march;
Go forth to do and dare.


Then stand ye brave­ly, know no fear;
God pro­mised thro’ His Son
That great­er vic­t’ries yet are ours,
If faith doth lead us on.

Let no­thing daunt—no foes af­fright,
God’s brave ones nev­er wa­ver;
We’ll win the day and plant the cross;
Sweet rest comes af­ter la­bor.


Sleep not nor slum­ber—e’er on guard,
We’ll meet the foe ad­vanc­ing;
Each scar and stripe more hon­or gains;
Our com­ing joys en­hanc­ing.


E’en down to death, if God should lead,
To serve the cause of Je­sus;
All earth­ly praise can­not com­pare
With glo­ries God will give us.
