Scripture Verse

He is risen, as He said. Matthew 28:6


Will Thompson (1847–1909)

Words: Will L. Thomp­son, in The New Cen­tu­ry Hym­nal (East Li­ver­pool, Ohio: Will L. Thomp­son, 1904), num­ber 48.

Music: Lake St. Clair Will L. Thomp­son, 1904 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Christ is ris­en, Christ is ris­en,
He hath left the so­lemn grave;
Christ is ris­en, Christ is ris­en,
For a dy­ing world to save;
Send the tid­ings round the world,
Let it reach to ev­ery soul;
Now His ban­ner is un­furled,
Spread the news from pole to pole.

Christ is ris­en, Christ is ris­en,
Cheer thy heart and dry thy tears;
Christ is ris­en, Christ is ris­en,
He will qui­et all thy fears;
Oh, ye mourn­ers, cease to mourn,
Why should life be filled with sighs?
Christ has all thy sor­rows borne,
Now He beck­ons to­ward the skies.

Christ is ris­en, Christ is ris­en,
Sinner, come and join the song;
Christ is ris­en, Christ is ris­en,
You may yet to Him be­long;
We’ll for­ev­er sing His praise,
Join we now with one ac­cord,
While we’ve breath the song to raise,
Sing for Christ, our ris­en Lord.