Scripture Verse

Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him. Matthew 14:31


Words: Mrs. W. T. Mor­ris, 1911.

Music: Grand Sa­line Will­iam J. Ram­say (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mor­ris’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Ram­say,

William J. Ramsay


My loving Lord in sympathy
With tenderest love came unto me;
And from the depths of misery,
With His own hands He lifted me.


With His own hands He lifted me,
With nail pierced hands He set me free;
From depths of sin and misery,
With blood stained hands Christ rescued me.

So long had I been bound by sin,
So deeply dyed, without, within,
And vain all better life had been,
Till Je­sus’ touch had made me clean.


Yes, out of darkness into light,
And out of weakness into might,
Then out of blindness into sight
With nail pierced hands He set me free.


Ah! sweet in­deed it is to sing
The prais­es of my Lord and king,
Who ev­en down to me did bring
The song of love and vic­to­ry.


O hal­le­luj­ah! praise His name,
My bless­èd Lord, al­ways the same;
The lov­ing One, who bore my shame,
And with His life blood res­cued me.
