Scripture Verse

Heirs of God. Romans 8:17


Words: Han­nah M. Ri­chards, 1898.

Music: Will­iam G. Coop­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ri­chards (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Coop­er,

William Cooper (1861–1938)


Let the world have its dia­monds,
Its sil­ver and gold,
I am rich­er by far
With the ti­tle I hold;
I am heir to a king­dom,
A crown and a throne,
That shall stand when earth’s king­doms
Are all ov­er­thrown.


Hallelujah! my soul
Mounts up­ward and sings;
Hallelujah to Je­sus,
The King of all kings!
Hallelujah! the king­dom
To come
draw­eth nigh;
What a crown­ing ’twill be
In the sweet by & by,
What a crown­ing ’twill be
In the sweet by & by!

Let the world have its pot­tage,
My birth­right I’ll keep,
For its plea­sures or toys
I’ll not gro­vel or creep;
I’m a child of a king,
I’ll not bar­ter a crown
For the tri­fles of earth,
For its wealth or re­nown.


Let the world have its hon­ors,
Ambitions and fame,
In the Lamb’s Book of Life
Has been writ­ten my name;
When the world is on fire,
Still my name shall en­dure,
And my king­dom and pal­ace
Will then be se­cure.


I am near­ing the ci­ty,
Its spires I can see,
And its pear­ly gates soon
Will be op­ened for me;
With the shout of a vic­tor,
I soon shall be crowned,
While the arch­es of Heav’n
With ho­san­nas re­sound.
