Scripture Verse

A river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. Genesis 2:10


Words: Ad­am of St. Vic­tor, cir­ca 1150, cen­to (Iu­cun­da­re, plebs fi­del­is). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ro­bert Camp­bell, 1850, alt.

Music: All­es ist an Gott­es Se­gen Jo­hann B. Kö­nig, 1737 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ad­am of St. Vic­tor, Camp­bell or Kö­nig (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Christians, come, in sweet­est mea­sures
Sing of those who spread the trea­sures
In the holy Gos­pels shrined;
Blessèd tid­ings of sal­va­tion,
Peace on earth their pro­cla­ma­tion,
Love from God to lost man­kind.

See the ri­vers four that glad­den
With their streams the bet­ter Ed­en,
Planted by our Sav­ior dear.
Christ the Fount­ain, these the wa­ters,
Drink, O Zi­on’s sons and daugh­ters;
Drink and find sal­va­tion here.

Here our souls, by Je­sus sat­ed,
More and more shall be trans­lat­ed
Earth’s temp­ta­tions far above;
Freed from sin’s ab­horred do­min­ion,
Soaring on an­gel­ic pin­ion,
They shall reach the Source of love.

Then shall thanks and praise as­cend­ing
For Thy mer­cies with­out end­ing
Rise to Thee, O Sav­ior blest.
With Thy gra­cious aid de­fend us,
Let Thy guid­ing light at­tend us,
Bring us to Thy place of rest.