Scripture Verse

For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam A. Mühl­en­berg, 1840 (🔊 pdf nwc). Made for the boys of St. Paul’s Col­lege—The chor­us adapt­ed from one of the Rev. Ar­thur C. Coxe’s Chris­tian Bal­lads.

William A. Mühlenberg (1796–1877)



Carol, bro­thers, car­ol,
Carol joy­ful­ly,
Carol the good tid­ings,
Carol mer­ri­ly.
And pray a glad­some Christ­mas
For all good Chris­tian men;
Carol bro­thers, car­ol,
Christmas day again.

Carol, but with glad­ness,
Not in songs of earth;
On the Sav­ior’s birth­day
Hallowed be our mirth;
While a thou­sand bless­ings
Fill our hearts with glee,
Christmas day we’ll keep,
The Feast of Cha­ri­ty.


At the mer­ry table,
Think of those who’ve none,
Th’orphan and the wi­dow,
Hungry and alone.
Bountiful your of­fer­ings
To the al­tar bring;
Let the poor and nee­dy
Christmas car­ols sing.


Listening an­gel music,
Discord sure must cease—
Who dare hate his bro­ther
On this day of peace?
While the heav’ns are tell­ing
To man­kind good will,
Only love and kind­ness
Every bo­som fill.


Let your hearts, re­spond­ing,
To the se­raph band,
With this morn­ing’s sun­shine
Bright in ev­ery land:
Word, and deed, and pray­er
Speak the grate­ful sound,
Telling Mer­ry Christ­mas
All the world around.
