Scripture Verse

Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35


Words: Will­iam I. Fea­zell, 1905.

Music: Me­lo­dy by Will­iam Fea­zell, ar­ranged by James E. Tho­mas (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Fea­zell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Tho­mas,

James Thomas (1860–1946)


The har­vest is white and the reap­ers are few,
While thou­sands are dy­ing in sin,
And the Sav­ior above is call­ing for you,
To ga­ther the lost ones in.


Gather them in, the gold­en grain,
Go ga­ther from fields of sin;
The har­vest is white and the glean­ers are few,
O reap­ers! Ga­ther the last ones in.

The Lord of the har­vest ap­peals un­to you,
To go out in the fields of sin,
And tell to the world this Gos­pel so true,
And win­ning the lost ones to Him.


The Sav­ior is with us, so bu­ry your fears;
Your la­bors will not be in vain;
In the morn­ing sow seed and bathe them in tears,
Returning at eve with grain.


When life’s work is done and we ga­ther at home,
With mill­ions now wait­ing us there,
Every soul we have won will add a bright star
To the beau­ti­ful crown we shall wear.


Harvesting the Sheaves
George Clausen (1852–1944)