Scripture Verse

My son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. Luke 15:24


Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words & Mu­sic: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).


God is call­ing the pro­di­gal,
Come with­out de­lay,
Hear, O hear Him call­ing,
Calling now for thee.
Tho’ you’ve wan­dered so far from His pre­sence,
Come today,
Hear His lov­ing voice call­ing still.


Calling now for thee,
O wea­ry pro­di­gal, come;
Calling now for thee,
O wea­ry pro­di­gal, come.

Patient, lov­ing and ten­der­ly
Still the Fa­ther pleads,
Hear, O hear Him call­ing,
Calling now for thee;
Oh! re­turn while the Spi­rit
In mer­cy in­ter­cedes,
Hear His lov­ing voice call­ing still.


Come, there’s bread in the house
Of the Fa­ther, and to spare,
Hear, O hear Him call­ing,
Calling now for thee;
Lo! the tab­le is spread and the feast
Is wait­ing there,
Hear His lov­ing voice call­ing still.
