He’s calling you.
Mark 10:49
Words: Fanny Crosby (1820–1915).
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊 pdf nwc).
Say, what mean thy tears that start,
Weary child with broken heart?
Lift thine eye! O look and see—
’Tis the Savior calling thee.
He is calling,
He is calling, calling thee,
Lift thine eyes! O look and see,
’Tis the Savior calling thee!
He is calling,
He is calling, calling thee,
’Tis the Savior calling, calling, calling thee!
He has called and sought thee long;
Leave the gay and careless throng;
Why delay His own to be,
When He still is calling thee?
Dost thou on His name believe?
Pardoning grace wouldst thou receive?
Plead with Him on bended knee—
Love divine is calling thee.
At the cross where once He died,
At the fount He opened wide,
Seek and find salvation free,
While He now is calling thee!