Scripture Verse

Rise; He calleth thee. Mark 10:49


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Gos­pel Hymns No. 6, by Ira D. San­key, James Mc­Gra­na­han & George C. Steb­bins (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois & New York: Big­low & Main and John Church, 1891), num­ber 43.

Music: Hu­bert P. Main (🔊 pdf nwc).

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


Out on the mount­ain, sad and for­sak­en,
Lost in its maz­es, no light canst thou see;
Yet in His mer­cy, full of com­pas­sion,
Lo! the Good Shep­herd is call­ing to thee.


Calling to thee, call­ing to thee;
Jesus is call­ing, Come un­to Me;
Calling to thee, call­ing to thee,
Hear the Good Shep­herd call­ing to thee.

Far on the mount­ain, why wilt thou wan­der?
Deeper in dark­ness thy path­way will be;
Turn from thy roam­ing, fly from its dan­gers,
While the Good She­pherd is call­ing to thee.


Flee from thy bond­age, Je­sus will help thee,
Only be­lieve Him, and thou shalt be free;
Wonderful mer­cy, bound­less com­pas­sion,
Still the Good Shep­herd is call­ing to thee.
