Scripture Verse

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15


John B. Goins (1882–1954)

Words: John B. Goins, in Songs of Pen­te­cost­al Power, Com­plete (Fort Smith, Ar­kan­sas & Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see: Ro­bert E. Win­sett, 1908), num­ber 0 (in­side front cov­er), alt.

Music: Me­lo­dy by John Goins, har­mo­ny by Ro­bert E. Win­sett (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert E. Winsett


In the for­eign hea­then coun­try,
Where the peo­ple know not God,
I am go­ing there to preach His pre­cious word,
Where they bow to wor­ship id­ols,
I am go­ing there to stay,
Where I’ll la­bor in the vine­yard of the Lord.


O, I’ll soon be with my loved ones
In my hap­py, heav­en­ly home;
Even now the thought my soul with rap­ture thrills;
So, good­bye, my friends and breth­ren,
For my time has come to go,
I must leave you on the dear, old bat­tle­field.

I am called to bear a mes­sage
To the hea­then far away,
And for years, o’er there a stran­ger, I may roam,
Just to tell them of a Sav­ior,
One who died to save them all;
That’s the rea­son why I leave my na­tive home.


Many days I’ll climb the hill­sides,
In the sun­shine and the rain,
Many days I’ll be in hun­ger and in thirst,
Just to tell them that our Lord is
Coming back to earth again,
With His gifts and bless­ings all as at the first.


I will stand the tri­al and hard­ships
Just to tell them pre­cious truths,
That the Gos­pel of our Sav­ior doth con­tain,
And if they will but ob­ey them
And be faith­ful to the end,
Up in Hea­ven we will meet you all again.


We’ll not all be for­eign la­bor­ers,
But the time will soon ar­rive,
When our mis­sion we have faith­ful­ly ful­filled,
When our mes­sage is de­li­vered
And ‘tis said of us, Well done,
Then in tri­umph we’ll de­part the bat­tle­field.
