Scripture Verse

They laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. Acts 8:17


William Bright (1824–1901)

Words: Will­iam Bright, 1865.

Music: St. Mat­thi­as Will­iam H. Monk, 1861 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


Behold us, Lord, be­fore Thee met
Whom each bright an­gel serves and fears,
Who on Thy throne re­mem­ber­est yet
Thy spot­less boy­hood’s qui­et years;
Whose feet the hills of Na­za­reth trod,
Who art true Man and per­fect God.

To Thee we look, in Thee con­fide,
Our help is in Thine own dear name;
For who on Je­sus e’er re­lied,
And found not Je­sus still the same?
Thus far Thy love our souls hath brought:
O stab­lish well what Thou hast wrought.

From Thee was our bap­tis­mal grace,
The ho­ly seed by Thee was sown;
And now be­fore our Fa­ther’s face
We make the three great vows our own,
And ask, in Thine ap­point­ed way,
Confirm us in Thy grace to­day.

We need Thee more than tongue can speak,
’Mid foes that well might cast us down;
But thou­sands, once as young and weak,
Have fought the fight, and won the crown;
We ask the help that bore them through;
We trust the Faith­ful and the True.

So bless us with the gift com­plete
By hands of Thy chief pas­tors giv’n,
That aw­ful pre­sence kind and sweet,
Which comes in se­ven­fold might from Heav’n;
Eternal Christ, to Thee we bow:
Give us Thy Spir­it here and now.