Scripture Verse

I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18


Richard W. Adams (1952–)

Words: Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, De­cem­ber 26, 2004.

Music: Bread of Life Will­iam F. Sher­win, 1877 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William F. Sherwin


Building the Tabernacle
Gerard Hoet (1648–1733)

Builder of ag­es, plan­ner di­vine,
Drawing the length and breadth
Of space and time;
Yet also mon­arch with king­dom to build,
And gold­en ca­pi­tal still yet un­filled.

Surveyor, ar­chi­tect, crafts­man sub­lime,
He drew the blue­print
Ere the start of time,
Building with liv­ing stones fair tem­ples bright,
Fixing our hearts in­to His halls of light.

First came the cor­ner­stone, Je­sus, our Lord;
We hear this migh­ty Rock
Call from the Word:
Build up My Church, says He, it can­not fail;
As long as you be­lieve, you will pre­vail.

As you are ga­thered here, so here am I;
Lift up your hearts and song
Unto the sky;
Call in My ci­ti­zens, do not de­lay;
Bring in My king­dom of the per­fect day.

So, in this year to come, we vow to build
Two things for Christ our king,
With Spir­it filled:
First, we will make a house, fit for a king;
And build with­in our­selves hearts fit to sing.