Scripture Verse

He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. Psalm 72:8


William Shrubsole (1759–1829)

Words: Will­iam Shrub­sole, Au­gust 10, 1795, alt. Writ­ten for the first meet­ing of the Lon­don Mis­sion­ary So­ci­ety.

Music: Lu­ton George Bur­der, 1774 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Burder (1752–1832)


Bright as the sun’s me­ri­di­an blaze,
Vast as the bless­ings He con­veys,
Wide as His reign from pole,
And per­ma­nent as His con­trol.

So, Je­sus, let Thy king­dom come;
Then sin and hell’s ter­ri­fic gloom
Shall at His bright­ness flee away,
The dawn of an eter­nal day.

Then shall the hea­then, filled with awe,
Learn the blest know­ledge of Thy law,
And an­ti­christ on ev­ery shore,
Fall from his throne to rise no more.

Then shall Thy lof­ty praise re­sound
On Af­ric’s shores…thro’ In­dia’s ground:
And is­lands of the south­ern sea
Shall stretch their ea­ger arms to Thee.

Then shall the Jew and Gen­tile meet
In pure de­vo­tion at Thy feet:
And earth shall yield Thee, as Thy due,
Her full­ness, and her glo­ry, too.

O that our na­tion now might shine
This heav’n­ly light, this truth di­vine:
’Till the whole uni­verse shall be
But one great tem­ple, Lord, to Thee.