He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.
Psalm 72:8
Words: William Shrubsole, August 10, 1795, alt. Written for the first meeting of the London Missionary Society.
Music: Luton George Burder, 1774 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Bright as the sun’s meridian blaze,
Vast as the blessings He conveys,
Wide as His reign from pole,
And permanent as His control.
So, Jesus, let Thy kingdom come;
Then sin and hell’s terrific gloom
Shall at His brightness flee away,
The dawn of an eternal day.
Then shall the heathen, filled with awe,
Learn the blest knowledge of Thy law,
And antichrist on every shore,
Fall from his throne to rise no more.
Then shall Thy lofty praise resound
On Afric’s shores…thro’ India’s ground:
And islands of the southern sea
Shall stretch their eager arms to Thee.
Then shall the Jew and Gentile meet
In pure devotion at Thy feet:
And earth shall yield Thee, as Thy due,
Her fullness, and her glory, too.
O that our nation now might shine
This heav’nly light, this truth divine:
’Till the whole universe shall be
But one great temple, Lord, to Thee.