O how love I Thy law!
Psalm 119:97
Words: Laura B. Hunter, in The Gospel Way, by Anthony J. Showalter et al. (Dalton, Georgia: A. J. Showalter, 1923), number 35.
Music: John F. Noah (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good picture of Noah (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
There is a book, a book more blest,
Than all the books by earth possessed;
Its truth and precepts e’er abide,
It is the Christian’s only guide.
O Book of life! O Book divine!
How brightly thy dear pages shine!
Thou pointest out the heav’nly way
That leads to God’s eternal day.
That precious Book my mother read,
Accepting every word it said;
And thru it she has reached the land,
Where saints abide at God’s right hand.
’Twas father’s compass and his chart,
He stored its teachings in his heart;
And when he came to death’s dark vale,
It was the light which did not fail.
This Book shall be my comfort, too,
Till life’s brief journey here is thru;
And then, up there, I will accord
My praise to God for His dear Word.