Scripture Verse

Put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. Colossians 3:14


Daniel S. Warner (1842–1895)

Words: Da­ni­el S. War­ner, Ech­oes from Glo­ry (Grand Junc­tion, Mi­chi­gan: Gos­pel Trum­pet Pub­lish­ing, 1893), num­ber 5.

Music: Per­fect­ness Bar­ney E. War­ren (🔊 pdf nwc).

Barney E. Warren


How sweet this bond of per­fect­ness,
The won­drous love of Je­sus;
A pure fore­taste of Hea­ven’s bliss,
Oh, fel­low­ship so pre­cious!


Oh breth­ren, how this per­fect love
Unites us all in Je­sus!
One heart, and soul, and mind, we prove,
The un­ion Hea­ven gave us.

The bond that cir­cles Hea­ven’s pure—
Oh, won­drous! won­drous sto­ry!
Has dropped around the ho­ly here,
And fills us all with glo­ry.


Oh, praise the Lord for love di­vine
That binds us all to­ge­ther;
A thou­sand chords our hearts en­twine,
Forever and for­ev­er.


God ov­er all and in us all,
And thro’ each ho­ly bro­ther;
No pow­er of earth or hell, with­al,
Can rent us from each oth­er.


Oh, mys­te­ry of Hea­ven’s peace!
Oh, bond of Hea­ven’s un­ion!
Our souls in fel­low­ship em­brace,
And live in sweet com­mun­ion.
