Scripture Verse

Blessed are the poor in spir­it: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:3


Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Ma­ori Ma­ori me­lo­dy (🔊 pdf nwc).

Susan Peterson


Blest are the poor,
Whose spir­its know their need;
God’s heav’n­ly king­dom
Will be theirs in­deed.
Blest, those who mourn;
God’s com­fort will be known.
Blest are the meek;
The world will be their own.

Blest, those who seek
God’s right­eous­ness each day;
They will be filled
And nev­er turned away.
Blest are the kind,
For mer­cy will be giv’n.
Blest are the pure in heart;
They’ll see God in Heav’n.

Blest, men of peace;
They will God’s sons be named.
Blest, those who suf­fer
Slander and much shame.
Blest, faith­ful ones,
Enduring for your Lord.
Rejoice, be glad,
For great is your re­ward.

I see my need
And humb­ly seek Your face.
Show me Your mer­cy;
All my cares erase.
Keep my heart pure;
I long for right­eous­ness.
I know that as
Your child I’m fully blest.