Scripture Verse

Blessèd be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. Psalm 113:2


Words: James Hogg, 1816, alt. This is The Pal­mer’s Morn­ing Hymn, which forms a part of Can­to IV of his po­em Ma­dor of the Moor.

Music: Lin­coln (Cho­ral­ist), in The New York Cho­ral­ist, ed­it­ed by Tho­mas Hast­ings & Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (New York: Mark H. New­man, 1847), page 197 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

James Hogg (1770–1835)


Blessèd be Thy name for ev­er,
Thou of life the guard and giv­er;
Thou canst guard Thy crea­tures sleep­ing;
Heal the heart long broke with weep­ing.
God of still­ness and of mo­tion,
Of the des­ert and the ocean,
Of the mount­ain, rock, and ri­ver,
Blessèd be Thy name for ev­er.

Thou who slum­ber­est not nor sleep­est,
Blest are they Thou kind­ly keep­est;
God of ev­en­ing’s part­ing ray,
Of mid­night’s gloom, and dawn­ing day,
That ris­es from the az­ure sea,
Like breath­ings of eter­ni­ty;
God of life! that fad­eth ne­ver,
Blessèd be Thy name for ev­er!