Scripture Verse

Thou shalt be a blessing. Genesis 12:2


Words: Ed­ith S. Til­lot­son, 1910.

Music: Flor­ence W. Fal­con­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Fal­con­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Til­lot­son,

Edith Tillotson (1876–1968)


Someone has need of our sing­ing,
Our singing, our sing­ing;
Someone has need of our sing­ing,
In gladness, or sorrow and care.
Comfort and joy it is bring­ing,
Is bringing, is bring­ing,
So while we are raising sweet voic­es in prais­ing
A blessing for someone we bear.

Someone has need of the sto­ry,
The story, the story;
Someone has need of the sto­ry,
Of love and re­demp­tion from sin.
So when we sing of His glo­ry,
His glo­ry, His glo­ry,
We sing of sal­va­tion, His gift to cre­ation,
A blessing for someone we win.

Here in His Book we are learn­ing,
Are learning, are learn­ing,
Here in His book we are learn­ing,
His word, and His will, and His way.
Hearts to the Sav­ior are turn­ing,
Are turning, are turn­ing;
Oh, may He now take us, ac­cept us and make us,
A blessing for someone each day.