Scripture Verse

Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in A Se­lect­ion of Car­ols, Piec­es and An­thems (Lon­don: W. Kent, cir­ca 1860), pag­es 17–18.

Music: Si­las J. Vail, in The Gos­pel Sing­er, ed­it­ed by Phi­lip Phil­lips (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Lee & Walk­er, 1874), num­ber 77 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Blessèd, bright and shin­ing star,
Guiding wise men from afar;
Bringing joy­ful news to earth,
Tidings of a Sav­ior’s birth.


Thrice wel­come Je­sus!
Blessèd, bless­èd Je­sus!
Thrice wel­come Je­sus!
The new­born Sav­ior King!

Jesus, may we come to Thee,
Lowly bend­ing on the knee;
Costly gifts we can­not bring,
But we hail Thee, Sav­ior King!


Sing, ye an­gel choirs above;
Sing the won­ders of His love;
He who left His throne on high
For a sin­ful world to die.


Jesus, Sav­ior, Lord of all,
Joyful at Thy feet we fall;
Hear, oh hear us, while we sing
Glory to our Sav­ior King!
