Scripture Verse

How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word. Psalm 119:9


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, in Fresh Lau­rels (New York: Big­low & Main, 1867), num­ber 89 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William B. Bradbury (1816–1868)


The Bi­ble! the Bi­ble! more pre­cious than gold,
The hopes and the glo­ries its pag­es un­fold;
It speaks of a Sav­ior, and tells of His love;
It shows us the way to the man­sions above,
It shows us the way to the man­sions above.

The Bi­ble! the Bi­ble! blest vol­ume of truth,
How sweet­ly it smiles on the sea­son of youth!
It bids us seek ear­ly the pearl of great price,
Ere th’heart is en­slaved in the bond­age of vice,
Ere th’heart is en­slaved in the bond­age of vice.

The Bi­ble! the Bi­ble! we hail it with joy,
Its truths and its glo­ries our tongues shall em­ploy;
We’ll sing of its tri­umphs, we’ll sing of its worth,
And send its glad tid­ings afar o’er the earth,
And send its glad tid­ings afar o’er the earth.

The Bi­ble! the Bi­ble! the val­leys shall ring,
And hill­tops re-ec­ho the notes that we sing;
Our ban­ners in­scribed with its pre­cepts and rules
Shall long wave in tri­umph, the joy of our schools,
Shall long wave in tri­umph, the joy of our schools.