Scripture Verse

Jesus has been taken to Heaven. But He will come back in the same way that you have seen Him go. Acts 1:11


Words: E. S. Mans­field, 1882.

Music: D. R. Mans­field (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor or com­pos­er’s full name, or here to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Oh, the Lamb that as slain,
Soon is com­ing again,
Coming back in His king­ly ar­ray;
The bright glo­ry light,
As it breaks on our sight,
Shines the curse of the earth all away.


Oh, the bet­ter day is com­ing,
The day-star is shin­ing,
The bet­ter day is com­ing by and by;
Oh, the bet­ter day is com­ing,
In the dawn­ing of the morn­ing,
The bet­ter day is com­ing by and by.

Then look up, wea­ry saint,
For thy mourn­ing shall end,
And the fount­ain of tears shall be dried:
Sing, joy­ful­ly sing,
Unto Je­sus the King,
Who will reign with His bride at His side.


Wandering child, lone and sad,
From thy fa­ther’s abode,
On the mount­ain of sin, dark and cold,
The kind Shep­herd waits,
With a light at the gate,
He is call­ing thee back to the fold.


Roll away, sky of blue,
Let the Sav­ior come thro’—
Angry na­tions rush on to the fray;
But saints clad in white,
And the an­gels in light,
With the con­quer­ing Lamb, in the day.
