Scripture Verse

Samuel took a stone and…named it Ebenezer, saying Thus far has the Lord helped us. 1 Samuel 7:12


John Newton (1725–1807)

Words: John New­ton, Ol­ney Hymns (Lon­don: . Ol­iv­er, 1779), Book 3, num­ber 40. Why art thou cast down?

Music: Ware­ham Will­iam Knapp, 1738 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Knapp (1698–1768)


Be still my heart! these anx­ious cares
To thee are bur­dens, thorns, and snares,
They cast dis­hon­or on thy Lord,
And con­tra­dict His gra­cious Word!

Brought safe­ly by His hand thus far,
Why wilt thou now give place to fear?
How canst thou want if He pro­vide,
Or lose thy way with such a guide?

When first be­fore His mer­cy seat,
Thou didst to Him thy all com­mit;
He gave thee war­rant, from that hour,
To trust His wis­dom, love, and pow­er.

Did ev­er trou­ble yet be­fall,
And He re­fuse to hear thy call?
And has He not His pro­mise passed,
That thou shalt ov­er­come at last?

Like Da­vid, thou may’st com­fort draw,
Saved from the bear’s and li­on’s paw;
Goliath’s rage I may de­fy,
For God, my Sav­ior, still is nigh.

He who has helped me hi­ther­to,
Will help me all my jour­ney through;
And give me dai­ly cause to raise
New Eb­en­ez­ers to His praise.

Though rough and thor­ny be the road,
It leads thee home, apace, to God;
Then count thy pre­sent tri­als small,
For Heav’n will make am­ends for all.