Scripture Verse

It as the middle of the night when the cry rang out, The bridegroom is here! Go out to meet him! Matthew 25:6


Words: J. O. Barn­hart, in Gos­pel Songs and Hymns No. 1, ed­it­ed by George B. Hol­sing­er (Bridge­wa­ter, Vir­gin­ia: George B. Hol­sing­er, 1898), num­ber 14.

Music: Brin­di­si J. O. Barn­hart, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Barn­hart’s full name, or here to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


At mid­night I hear the call ring­ing,
The Bride­groom is com­ing this way,
And joy to the watch­er is bring­ing:
For Him are you rea­dy to­day?


Be rea­dy to­day, He’s com­ing this way;
Be rea­dy, be rea­dy today;
Be rea­dy today, oh, work, watch and pray;
Be rea­dy, be rea­dy to­day.

Our Fa­ther the feast is pre­par­ing,
The guests are all ga­ther­ing near;
If you that great feast would be shar­ing,
Be rea­dy the sum­mons to hear.


Oh, brother, arouse from your dream­ing,
Your lamp light is burn­ing so lo;
His light o’er the path­way is stream­ing:
Arise and be rea­dy to go.


For all those who love His ap­pear­ing,
A crown of re­joic­ing shall be;
Each day the bright pros­pect is near­ing:
He soon will be call­ing for thee.
