Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words: Eb­en E. Rex­ford, in Car­ols of Joy, ed­it­ed by Frank M. Da­vis (Spring­field, Ohio: J. L. Rust, 1882), num­ber 136.

Music: Hen­ry S. Per­kins (🔊 pdf nwc).

Eben E. Rexford (1848–1916)



The bells are ring­ing clear and sweet
Beneath ador­ing an­gel feet,
And in our hearts this Christ­mas day
Let strife and dis­cord die away;
For, in a man­ger poor and lo
Was born the Christ Child years ago,
And wise men in a land afar
Were told the tid­ings by a star.


While sweet­ly o’er Ju­dea’s plains
Rang out the glad, ex­ult­ant strains,
Exultant strains
Which an­gels sing on Chris­tmas still,
Of peace on earth, to men good will,
To men good will.

O Christ Child, in a man­ger born!
The stars sang on Thy birth­day morn;
While cra­dled on Thy mo­ther’s breast,
The shep­herds sought Thy place of rest.
Heav’ns peace abides up­on the earth
In hon­or of Thy low­ly birth;
For Thou hast died for us and them
Who hailed Thee king in Beth­le­hem.


O song which ne­ver shall grow old,
Don all the com­ing ages rolled!
O Christ Child, born a cross to bear,
That we at last a crown may wear!
Let us like shep­herds at Thy feet
Bring lo, as trib­ute, of­fer­ings meet,
And wor­ship there while an­gels sing
In praise of Je­sus Christ, our king.
