Scripture Verse

Those that seek Me early shall find Me. Proverbs 8:17


Words & Mu­sic: James M. Dun­gan, in Tri­um­phant Songs No. 1, by Ed­win O. Ex­cell (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ed­win O. Ex­cell, 1887), num­ber 62 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dun­gan (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The con­science of child­hood is speak­ing in whis­pers,
Oh come to the Sav­ior and give Him your life;
Of such is the king­dom of Hea­ven, says Je­sus,
So then seek Him ear­ly, and en­ter the strife.


The bells of your con­science are ring­ing,
The bells, the bells;
The bells of your con­science are ring­ing,
Saying, Sin­ner, oh, come home.

The con­science of young men and maid­ens is call­ing,
In ear­nest ap­peals for the strength of your will;
The work of your mas­ter, it needs all your ef­forts,
To bear all life’s bur­dens, and Christ’s law ful­fill.


The con­science of man­hood is loud­ly appeal­ing,
And saying, Oh, come in the noon­tide of day;
The sands of the hour­glass are slow­ly re­ced­ing,
So start for the king­dom, and do not de­lay.


The con­science of old age is hea­vi­ly la­den
With sins which thro’ life have been hea­vy to bear;
But Je­sus is able to roll off thy bur­den,
To cleanse you from ev­il and lift ev­ery care.
