Scripture Verse

Even the winds and the sea obey Him! Matthew 8:27


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1894; some hymn­als give the au­thor as Ju­lia Ster­ling, one of Fan­ny’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


Press on­ward, press on­ward,
And trust­ing the Lord,
Remember the pro­mise pro­claimed in His Word;
He guid­eth the foot­steps, di­rect­eth the way
Of all who con­fess Him, be­lieve, and ob­ey.


Believe and ob­ey, be­lieve and ob­ey;
The Mas­ter is call­ing, no long­er de­lay:
The light of His mer­cy shines bright on the way
Of all who con­fess Him, be­lieve, and obey.

Press on­ward, press on­ward,
If you would se­cure
The rest of the faith­ful, abid­ing and sure;
The gift of sal­va­tion is of­fered to­day
To all who con­fess Him, be­lieve, and ob­ey.


Press on­ward, press on­ward,
Your cour­age re­new;
The prize is be­fore you, the crown is in view;
His love is so bound­less, He’ll ne­ver say nay
To those who con­fess Him, be­lieve, and ob­ey.
