Scripture Verse

Behold the man! John 19:5


Joseph Stennett (1663–1713)

Words: Jo­seph Sten­nett, Hymns on the Lord’s Sup­per 1705.

Music: Mar­tyr­dom Hugh Wil­son, 1800. Ar­ranged by Ralph E. Hud­son, cir­ca 1885 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Behold the Sav­ior of the world
Embrued with sweat and gore,
Expiring on that shame­ful cross,
Where He our sor­rows bore!

Compassion for lost hu­man race
Brought down God’s on­ly Son,
To veil in flesh His ra­di­ant face,
And for their sins atone.

Who can to love His name for­bear,
That of His suf­fer­ings hears,
And finds, the ran­som of his soul
Was blood as well as tears?

Thy sac­red blood, O Son of God!
Which ran from ma­ny a wound
When earth and hell’s ma­li­cious pow­ers
All com­passed Thee around.

Joy for Thy tor­ments we re­ceive;
Life in Thy death have found;
For the rep­roach­es of Thy cross
Shall be with glo­ry crowned.

May we a grate­ful sense re­tain
Of Thy re­deem­ing love!
And live be­low like those that hope
To live with Thee above!

The Crucifixion
Léon J. F. Bonnat (1833–1922)